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WAGO 4ä³Î¿ë I/O Link Master
WAGO¿¡¼ »õ·Ó°Ô Ãâ½ÃµÈ 4ä³Î¿ë I/O Link Master ¸ðµâÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
A 3-wire connection can communicate process data (as single bits, bytes and data blocks for input and output data), as well as acyclic data for identification, configuration, parameterization and diagnostic with up to 230.4 kbaud to both sensors and actuators. The functions and performance data are defined in device description files for master and devices; these are easy to customize via WAGO-I/O-CHECK. If a device has to be replaced, the configuration and parameterization can be automatically restored without the intervention of maintenance personnel.
Project design, installation and operation are thus simplified significantly.
Four different IO-Link devices or even digital standard sensors/actuators can be connected to the WAGO 750‐657 IO‐Link Master at the same time. The module has 3 connections for each of the 4 channels while maintaining a width of only 12mm (0.47in).